What are the Advantages of Article Submission?
Table of Contents
Article submission can offer several advantages for SEO and online marketing purposes, including:
1. Backlinks: One of the main advantages of article submission is the opportunity to include backlinks to your website within the article. These backlinks can help improve your website’s backlink profile, which is an important factor for search engine rankings. By including relevant and high-quality links, you can increase the authority and visibility of your website.
2. Increased visibility and reach: When you submit articles to reputable article directories or platforms, they have the potential to reach a wider audience. If your articles are informative, valuable, and well-written, they can attract readers and generate traffic to your website. This increased visibility can help expand your online presence and attract potential customers or clients.
3. Establishing authority and expertise: By consistently submitting quality articles in your industry or niche, you can establish yourself or your brand as an authority and expert in the field. This can help build trust and credibility among readers, which can lead to increased recognition and potential business opportunities.
4. Referral traffic: Article submission can generate referral traffic to your website. When readers find your articles interesting and informative, they may click on the links within the article to visit your website for more information. This can result in targeted traffic and potential conversions.
5. Brand exposure: Submitting articles to reputable platforms can increase brand exposure. As your articles get published on various websites, more people will come across your brand and become familiar with it. This can contribute to brand recognition and awareness.
It’s important to note that to maximize the advantages of article submission, it’s crucial to focus on creating high-quality, original, and valuable content. Additionally, choose reputable article directories or platforms that align with your industry or target audience for better results.
Top Free Article Submission Sites
Top Free Instant Approval Article Submission Sites List 2023
Website | DA |
www.github.com | 95 |
sites.google.com | 95 |
Sbinformation.about.com | 94 |
technorati.com | 93 |
www.evernote.com | 92 |
www.storify.com | 92 |
www.ehow.com | 92 |
Prnewswire.com | 92 |
Prweb.com | 92 |
examiner.com | 92 |
squidoo.com | 92 |
www.wattpad.com | 91 |
www.seekingalpha.com | 91 |
www.zimbio.com | 91 |
ezinearticles.com | 91 |
ezinearticles.com/ | 91 |
hubpages.com | 91 |
www.prlog.org/ | 89 |
blogsome.com | 88 |
merchantcircle.com | 87 |
suite101.com | 86 |
www.sitepoint.com/ | 85 |
www.articlesbase.com/ | 85 |
www.Buzzle.com | 85 |
articlesbase.com | 85 |
www.marketwire.com/ | 84 |
dzone.com | 82 |
gather.com | 81 |
apsense.com | 80 |
www.goarticles.com/ | 79 |
goarticles.com | 79 |
www.biggerpockets.com | 78 |
news.thomasnet.com/submitpr.html | 78 |
livejournal.com | 78 |
biggerpockets.com/articles | 78 |
thefreelibrary.com | 78 |
www.pr.com/ | 75 |
Allbusiness.com | 74 |
brighthub.com | 74 |
selfgrowth.com | 74 |
articles.org | 73 |
storeboard.com | 73 |
infobarrel.com | 73 |
ezinemark.com | 73 |
helium.com | 72 |
free-press-release.com/ | 71 |
amazines.com | 70 |
pusha.se | 70 |
articlesnatch.com | 70 |
www.24-7pressrelease.com/ | 69 |
www.pr-inside.com/ | 69 |
Webreference.com | 69 |
free-ebooks.net | 69 |
sooperarticles.com | 68 |
webwire.com | 68 |
bubblews.com | 68 |
isnare.com/ | 67 |
webdesign.ittoolbox.com/ | 67 |
articlesfactory.com | 67 |
isnare.com | 67 |
ideamarketers.com | 67 |
articles.pubarticles.com | 66 |
www.articlecity.com/ | 65 |
www.articledashboard.com/ | 65 |
www.prleap.com/ | 65 |
www.openpr.com/ | 65 |
articlecity.com | 65 |
articledashboard.com | 65 |
prleap.com | 65 |
thewhir.com/ | 64 |
www.i-newswire.com/ | 64 |
thewhir.com | 64 |
Pressbox.co.uk | 63 |
www.1888pressrelease.com/ | 62 |
www.articlealley.com/ | 62 |
evancarmichael.com | 62 |
bukisa.com | 62 |
articlealley.com | 62 |
www.hooverwebdesign.com/ | 60 |
www.pressreleasepoint.com/ | 60 |
artipot.com | 60 |
streetarticles.com | 60 |
Ryze.com | 59 |
articlerich.com | 59 |
www.newswiretoday.com/ | 58 |
express-press-release.net/ | 58 |
articlecube.com | 58 |
directory.r-tt.com | 58 |
www.nanotech-now.com/submit-press.cgi | 57 |
www.articlebiz.com/ | 57 |
www.PowerHomeBiz.com | 57 |
www.SearchWarp.com | 57 |
Inspire.com | 57 |
articlebiz.com | 57 |
articles.studio9xb.com | 56 |
triond.com | 56 |
articles.submityourarticle.com | 56 |
uberarticles.com | 56 |
threadwatch.org | 55 |
articletrader.com | 55 |
usalistingdirectory.com | 54 |
marketinginternetdirectory.com | 54 |
selfseo.com | 54 |
www.PromotionWorld.com | 53 |
www.brint.com/write.html | 53 |
www.bignews.biz/ | 53 |
sitepromotiondirectory.com | 53 |
web-source.net | 53 |
magportal.com | 53 |
articles.gappoo.com | 53 |
www.Constant-Content.com | 52 |
highrankdirectory.com | 52 |
earticlesonline.com | 52 |
articledunia.com | 52 |
articlepdq.com | 52 |
www.webproworld.com/ | 51 |
www.prurgent.com/ | 51 |
newsvine.com | 51 |
businessseek.biz | 51 |
articlesphere.com | 51 |
articlesbd.com | 51 |
webproworld.com | 51 |
articlesxpert.com | 51 |
ex-designz.net | 51 |
www.a1articles.com/ | 50 |
www.prolinkdirectory.com/ | 50 |
123articleonline.com | 50 |
prolinkdirectory.com | 50 |
ukinternetdirectory.net | 50 |
idleexperts.com | 50 |
allthewebsites.org | 50 |
a1articles.com | 50 |
gruks.com | 50 |
www.articleclick.com/ | 49 |
www.freepressindex.com/ | 49 |
articleslash.net | 49 |
pr4-articles.com | 49 |
articles.seoforums.me.uk | 49 |
articleclick.com | 49 |
upublish.info | 49 |
articlestars.com | 49 |
yooarticles.net | 49 |
articlecell.com | 49 |
www.Site-Reference.com | 48 |
Article-emporium.com | 48 |
simplysearch4it.com | 48 |
rlrouse.com | 48 |
articlecompilation.com | 48 |
Advisor.com | 47 |
www.work911.com/ | 47 |
work911.com | 47 |
articlecirculation.com | 47 |
www.bestezines.com/ | 46 |
libervis.com | 46 |
free-articles-zone.com | 46 |
articlemonkeys.com | 46 |
www.Bpubs.com | 45 |
www.new-list.com/ | 45 |
www.Bharatbhasha.com | 45 |
presszoom.com/ | 45 |
www.pressexposure.com/ | 45 |
www.pressmethod.com/ | 45 |
articlicious.com | 45 |
howtoadvice.com | 45 |
cgidir.com | 45 |
themanager.org | 45 |
informationbible.com | 45 |
presszoom.com | 45 |
easyarticles.com | 45 |
www.FreeSticky.com | 44 |
myarticle.com | 44 |
articleswrap.com | 44 |
populararticles.com | 44 |
articlefree4all.com | 44 |
www.pr9.net/ | 43 |
www.pressabout.com/ | 43 |
traveltourismdirectory.net | 43 |
top7business.com | 43 |
afreearticle.com | 43 |
qwesz.com | 43 |
tongshu.net | 43 |
Ezinefinder.com | 42 |
ecommwire.com/ | 42 |
dime-co.com | 42 |
articleant.com | 42 |
articles411.com | 42 |
articlesforwebsite.com | 42 |
ezine-articles-planet.com | 42 |
homebiztools.com | 42 |
approvedarticles.com | 41 |
articleseen.com | 41 |
content-articles.com | 41 |
ladypens.com | 41 |
Weeno.com | 40 |
easy-articles.com | 40 |
webmasterslibrary.com | 40 |
edarticle.com | 40 |
40 | |
articlegold.com | 40 |
yesarticles.com | 40 |
expertarticles.com | 40 |
datasoftsystem.com | 40 |
E-zinez.com | 39 |
guidemegreen.com/ | 39 |
otherarticles.com | 39 |
readezarchive.com | 39 |
ezinepost.com | 39 |
top-affiliate.com | 39 |
articledoctor.com | 39 |
submitanarticle.info | 39 |
thepr.com.au | 39 |
articlerealm.com | 39 |
articlejoe.com | 39 |
www.prfocus.com/ | 38 |
bysharing.com | 38 |
articlecatalog.com | 38 |
articlecontentking.com | 38 |
articleside.com | 38 |
postarticles.com | 38 |
contentdig.com/ | 37 |
101articles.com | 37 |
article-hut.com | 37 |
articlesdir.org | 37 |
articlekit.com | 36 |
olmaweblinkdirectory.com | 36 |
thetexasjobsource.com | 36 |
thehealthyvillage.com | 36 |
writerspenarticledirectory.com | 36 |
articleswale.com | 35 |
allinclusivelinks.com | 35 |
Activeauthors.com | 31 |
openarticles.com | 29 |
articlet.com | 29 |
thewhir.info | 29 |
nehoiu.org | 22 |
jazzylook.com | 21 |
textiledegree.com | 21 |
sdcouncil.com | 21 |
mymedicenter.com |
Top Free Ping Submission Website Sites List
List of Free Ping Submission Sites 2022
SL No. | Ping Submission Site | DA | PA |
1 | addurl.nu | 45 | 52 |
2 | allpodcasts.com | 40 | 43 |
3 | api.feedster.com/ping | 65 | 52 |
4 | api.moreover.com/ping | 74 | 61 |
5 | api.moreover.com/RPC2 | 74 | 61 |
6 | article.advertiseera.com | 17 | 40 |
7 | article.classifiedsfactor.com | 19 | 43 |
8 | articles.h1ad.com | 23 | 43 |
9 | auto-ping.com | 41 | 50 |
10 | autopinger.com | 43 | 55 |
11 | backlinkping.com | 35 | 51 |
12 | bitacoras.com | 75 | 62 |
13 | blo.gs | 56 | 51 |
14 | blog.freeadstime.org | 36 | 46 |
15 | blog.giganticlist.com | 24 | 44 |
16 | blog.shopolop.com | 20 | 36 |
17 | blogbuzzer.com | 38 | 47 |
18 | blogdigger.com | 60 | 52 |
19 | blogdigger.com/RPC2 | 60 | 52 |
20 | blogg.de | 56 | 48 |
21 | blogmatcher.com/u.php | 39 | 53 |
22 | blogpingtool.com | 37 | 50 |
23 | blogs.findermaster.com | 22 | 42 |
24 | blogs.yandex.ru | 93 | 73 |
25 | blogsearch.google.com | 75 | 65 |
26 | blogsearch.google.com/ping | 75 | 52 |
27 | blogshares.com/rpc.php | 56 | 52 |
28 | blogsnow.com | 43 | 53 |
29 | blogsnow.com/ping | 43 | 55 |
30 | brainbliss.com | 45 | 52 |
31 | bulkfeeds.net/rpc | 45 | 52 |
32 | bulkping.com | 45 | 50 |
33 | coreblog.org | 51 | 54 |
34 | coreblog.org/ping | 49 | 51 |
35 |
feedburner.com | 95 | 79 |
36 | feedshark.brainbliss.com | 45 | 56 |
37 | feedster.com | 65 | 60 |
38 | feedsubmitter.com | 35 | 46 |
39 | geourl.org/ping | 49 | 51 |
40 | googleping.com | 40 | 41 |
41 | icerocket.com | 75 | 62 |
42 | indexkings.com | 40 | 44 |
43 | ipings.com | 37 | 55 |
44 | moreover.com | 74 | 55 |
45 | mypagerank.net | 56 | 48 |
46 | nimtools.com | 37 | 53 |
47 | ping.amagle.com | 39 | 44 |
48 | ping.bitacoras.com | 75 | 62 |
49 | ping.blo.gs | 53 | 62 |
50 | ping.feedburner.com | 95 | 70 |
51 | ping.in | 38 | 42 |
52 | pingates.com | 37 | 53 |
53 | pingbomb.com | 37 | 44 |
54 | pingerati.net | 38 | 57 |
55 | pingfarm.com | 45 | 56 |
56 | pingler.com | 53 | 62 |
57 | pingmyblog.com | 38 | 57 |
58 | pingmylink.com | 37 | 50 |
59 | pingmylinks.com | 37 | 55 |
60 | pingmyurl.com | 51 | 55 |
61 | pingoat.net | 39 | 53 |
62 | pingomatic.com | 60 | 50 |
63 | pingsitemap.com | 39 | 58 |
64 | rpc.weblogs.com | 74 | 55 |
65 | story.wallclassifieds.com | 22 | 44 |
66 | theblogarena.com | 22 | 40 |
67 | totalping.com | 46 | 50 |
68 | twingly.com | 65 | 55 |
69 | twingly.com/ping | 65 | 55 |
70 | weblogalot.com/ping | 45 | 56 |
71 | weblogs.com | 75 | 55 |
72 | weblogues.com/RPC | 39 | 53 |
73 | www.bloggersroad.com | 17 | 39 |
74 | www.howcube.com | 11 | 36 |
75 | www.ologames.com | 27 | 38 |
76 | xmlrpc.blogg.de | 56 | 53 |
77 | http://pingomatic.com | 37 | 53 |
78 | http://ping.feedburner.com | 37 | 44 |
79 | http://indexkings.com | 38 | 57 |
80 | http://pingler.com | 45 | 56 |
81 | http://pingfarm.com | 75 | 52 |
82 | http://totalping.com | 56 | 52 |
83 | https://www.pingmylinks.com | 43 | 53 |
84 | http://addurl.nu/ | 43 | 55 |
85 | http://ping.in | 39 | 53 |
86 | http://googleping.com | 37 | 50 |
87 | http://rpc.pingomatic.com | 22 | 42 |
88 | http://api.moreover.com | 46 | 50 |
89 | http://blogsearch.google.com | 65 | 55 |
90 | http://ping.weblogalot.com | 22 | 40 |
91 | http://ping.syndic8.com | 23 | 43 |
92 | http://ping.bloggers.jp | 41 | 50 |
93 | http://rpc.weblogs.com | 43 | 55 |
94 | http://www.blogpeople.net | 22 | 42 |
95 | http://xping.pubsub.com | 22 | 40 |
96 | https://pingbomb.com | 45 | 52 |
97 | http://pingbomb.com | 40 | 43 |
98 | http://www.pingbomb.com | 65 | 52 |
99 | http://googleping.com | 56 | 48 |
100 | http://www.googleping.com | 39 | 53 |
101 | https://www.masspinger.org | 37 | 50 |